Monitor and improve your blood pressure indicators
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Should I measure my blood pressure?
Yes! Blood pressure is an important metric to do with your cardio-vascular system’s health. While low blood pressure may affect your everyday life with unpleasant symptoms and draining your energy levels, high blood pressure comes with little evidence of itself and at the same time leads to dangerous consequences which may include heart failure, coronary artery disease, stroke, dementia, kidney failure and optic nerve damage.
Measuring your blood pressure is a good idea, particularly when you experience any of the following symptoms.
Symptoms of low blood pressure
• Dizziness
• Syncope (passing out)
• Unclear or blurred vision
• Nausea
• Fatigue
• Depression
• Inability to concentrate
• Cold pale skin
• Fast shallow breathing
• Unexpected thirst
Symptoms of high blood pressure
Unlike low blood pressure, high blood pressure is way harder to recognize, because high blood pressure barely has any visible symptoms. It is also way more dangerous.
So just in case, be on the lookout for the following symptoms:
• Hemorrhages in the eyes
• Intense and sudden blushing
• Sudden dizziness and loss of balance
Measuring blood pressure
The first step towards managing your blood pressure and maintaining it within healthy limits is learning to read it right.
There are multiple blood pressure measurement methods. And the results would always be the two numbers – an upper number (your systolic blood pressure) and a lower number (your diastolic blood pressure), measured in mm Hg.
The unit ‘mm Hg’ actually means ‘millimeter of mercury’, which is a standard scientific measure of pressure. The name is the legacy of the old way pressure used to be determined – the amount of pressure used to be indicated by the difference between the level of mercury in connected cylinders.
Thankfully, today we have easier ways to stay informed. Apran offers two blood pressure monitors at your choice:
• Life Extension Life Source Digital Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor
• Life Extension Life Source Deluxe One Step Blood Pressure Monitor
What do the blood pressure numbers mean?
Depending on your measurements you will fall under one of the following categories:
• Less than 90 mm Hg systolic and less than 60 mm Hg diastolic pressure is classified as low. You need to take steps to maintain your healthy blood pressure within healthy limits.
• 90 – 120 mm Hg systolic or 60 – 80 mm Hg diastolic pressure is classified as normal. People experiencing prehypertension are likely to develop high blood pressure. Make sure you monitor your blood pressure regularly.
• 120 – 139 mm Hg systolic or 80 – 89 mm Hg diastolic pressure is classified as Prehypertension. People experiencing prehypertension are likely to develop high blood pressure. Make sure you monitor your blood pressure regularly.
• 140 – 159 mm Hg systolic or 90 – 99 mm Hg diastolic pressure is classified as (Hypertension) Stage 1 OR High Blood Pressure Stage 1. At this stage your blood pressure can be treated by introducing lifestyle changes and/or by mild medications.
• 160 – 180 mm Hg systolic or 100 – 110 mm Hg diastolic pressure is classified as (Hypertension) Stage 2 OR High Blood Pressure Stage 2. At this stage your blood pressure can be treated by moderate lifestyle changes and medications.
• More than 180 mm Hg systolic or more than 110 mm Hg diastolic pressure is classified as (Hypertension) Stage 3 OR High Blood Pressure Stage 3. At this stage your blood pressure can be treated by moderate lifestyle changes and medications.
If you ever wonder, remember the systolic pressure, or the upper number, is way more important. Both numbers show the stress your blood puts on your blood vessels while circulating through them. Systolic pressure indicates the pressure during heart beats, and the diastolic – during heart rest. Since the systolic pressure is always higher, it is a better indicator of the stress your blood vessels experience.
High blood pressure relief
Apran is happy to offer you a collection of supplements promoting normalizing blood pressure, enjoying great success among our customers:
Natural BP Management
Natural BP Management is a supplement, incorporating a carefully created fusion of active ingredients, intended to maintain your blood pressure within normal limits. NBPM, in combination with healthy diet and lifestyle choices is a good bet for your cardiovascular health.
Magnesium is known to ease the smooth muscles in the blood vessels leading to a stronger, more stable cardiovascular system. Studies show that patients who take magnesium on a regular basis improve their blood pressure metrics.
Olive leaves and celery seed extract
The powerful combination of olive leaves and celery seed extract has shown to be incredibly beneficial to the blood vessels. Its impressive effects include, but are not limited to, decreasing the amount of calcium lining the vessels, allowing the blood to flow unobstructed, relieving the high blood pressure symptoms.
If you have high blood pressure, chances are you will benefit from L-carnitine in at least two ways. One, L-carnitine is responsible for transporting fatty acids in your body, to be digested. Therefore, it contributes to weight loss – which is a life change, for improving the condition. And second, it supports healthy levels of nitric oxide, which promotes vasodilation – widening of the blood vessels.
Sea iodine
Chances are the lifestyle choices, prescribed by your doctor to manage your high blood pressure include limiting your salt intake. Using Sea iodine instead of regular salt is a good strategy for increased deliciousness, without increased health risks.
Arginine Ornithine Powder will help your body maintain the necessary levels of nitrogen monoxide, promoting a healthy elasticity of your blood vessels.
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