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Life Extension Two-Per-Day Capsules, 120 Capsules

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€44,00 Incl. tax
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Delivery time 2-3 weeks

Article number: 100184
Delivery time: 2-3 weeks


Two-Per-Day Capsules health supplements provide optimum support for good health by using a wide range of vitamins and minerals. The uniqueness of Two-Per-Day Capsules vitamin supplements is that you can benefit from a high concentration of nutrients including vitamins and minerals, whereas other commercial products often choose low doses of nutrients. Compared to many other one-per-day products by other brands, Two-Per-Day Capsules vitamin supplements offer a much higher dose of essential vitamins and minerals. You can obtain this product as capsules or tablets.

Quality of the nutrients in Life Extension health supplements

The commercial products of other manufacturers often use the cheapest form of the existing nutrients. They thus make the product economically attractive but do not consider the actual purpose of these products. Two-Per-Day Capsules health supplements uses nutrients with great quality that actually support good health. Suppose you use similar vitamin supplements from another manufacturer. The quantity of vitamin E in your blood, for example, will increase only slowly. These supplements often contain a synthetic type of vitamin E. Two-Per-Day Capsules vitamin capsules contain the better as well as the natural type of vitamin E, a type more easily absorbed by the blood to obtain the same amount into the blood with just a small number of capsules. Two-Per-Day vitaimin supplements are thus the most interesting product for you. You would be using a large number of valuable vitamins and minerals, easily combined in capsules, requiring only 2 a day.

Effective types of selenium supplements

Two-Per-Day Capsules provides three effective types of selenium supplements, whereas many other products omit these. Life Extension uses sodium selenite, L-selenomethionine and se-methyl L-selenocysteine selenium supplements in this product. It also contains alpha-lipoic acid. Two-Per-Day Capsules health supplements provides an effective and rich combination of different nutrients; you can rely on a maximum positive influence on your health.

Do you wish to use Two-Per-Day Capsules? You can easily order this product online. We ensure that you will receive the product at home as s


Frans L. 26-03-2016 21:42

During the last weeks I was really tired, a friend told me to try this product of Apran. At the beginning I was not that convinced, but finally, after having taken the vitamins for just some weeks, I feel much better and I am more active. Some exertion can’t bring me down. GREAT PRODUCT!

Frans L. 26-03-2016 14:50

Die letzten Wochen war ich ziemlich müde, und ein Freund hat mir dann dieses Produkt von Apran empfohlen. Ich bin wirklich froh, dass ich es mir gekauft habe. Ich nehme die Vitamine erst seit ein paar Wochen, aber ich fühle mich schon viel besser und auch aktiver. Nichts kann mich mehr schnell erschöpfen. TOP PRODUKT!

Frans L. 26-03-2016 06:06

Voorbije weken was ik vermoeid, dacht eerst dat het voorjaars vermoeidheid was, een vriend van mij raadde mij aan de Multivitaminen van Apran te bestellen, eerst nog wat geaarzeld, maar wat ben ik content dat ik doorgezet heb, neem de vitaminen nog maar paar weken in en voel mij veel beter en actiever, een inspanning kost mij nu geen moeite meer. TOPMIDDEL!

Frans L. 26-03-2016 00:30

Les dernières semaines j’étais assez fatigué. Un ami m’a conseillé d’essayer ce produit d’Apran. Au début je n’étais pas trop convaincu, mais maintenant je suis super content. Je prends les vitamines seulement depuis quelques semaines et je me sens beaucoup mieux et je suis plus actif. C’EST LE TOP !

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